Happy New Year!

Thursday, 07 January 2016 More News

Looking back, the last year was a rich year, full of blessings and exciting challenges!

In 2015, a little over half of our work derived from preclinical and clinical bioanalysis for Big Pharma organizations.

But many new projects were added, the majority of those highly innovative Biotech Projects. Often  this very early work has a highly experimental character.
Inhalable drugs have played a significant role again: Analysis at extremely sensitive levels (fg/mL plasma), yet with very low sample volumes (250µL plasma).

Oncology remains a huge topic: Here highly innovative delivery forms are being tried out, but also new drug concepts. Of course these topics require solid assays once in clinical studies.

In 2015 we have invested strongly in our equipment: All HPLC lines were upgraded, most significant was the purchase of another new mass spec line: QTRAP 6500.

We have enjoyed the intensive interactions, the high level discussions and the scouting for solutions of your challenges! May the new year be as exciting!

We are looking forward to yet another year of dialogue and good, long lasting collaborations!

Good success!


Hermann Mascher, CEO pharm-analyt