New Book Release: HPLC Methods for Clinical Pharmaceutical Analysis - A User´s Guide

Saturday, 18 February 2012 More News

 New Book Release: HPLC Methods for Clinical Pharmaceutical Analysis - A User´s Guide

Hermann Mascher describes all steps of a routine pharmaceutical analysis in an intuitive fashion and explains how to develop robust and efficient methods for any clinical compound. A reference appendix contains tried and tested methods and data for 100 frequently encountered pharmaceuticals.

Hermann Mascher was looking for a reference book of common pharmaceuticals including their pharmacokinetic characteristics, unfortunately he never found one. So he decided to write one himself: “HPLC Methods for Clinical Pharmaceutical Analysis”.

In this book the author draws on his 30 years of experience and provides abundant practical advice, troubleshooting and other hints highlighted in boxes, as well as a broad selection of walk-through case studies. Based on a course taught by the author, the first part of the book intuitively explains all steps of routine bioanalysis and explains how to set up a robust, inexpensive and efficient method for a given substance.

Publisher: WILEY-VCH
ISBN: 978-3-527-33129-1
Hardcover, 240 pages